How well do you know your Skin?
Your skin is the largest organ in your body
Your skin is responsible for 15% of your body’s weight. The average adult has 22 square feet (2 square meters) of skin, which weighs 9 lbs. and contains over 11 miles of blood vessels. An average person has about 300million skin cells, with 1 square inch of skin having about 19 million cells. The second largest organ is the liver.
Your Skin has varying levels of thickness. Your eyelids have the thinnest skin (0.2mm), while the soles of your feet and your palms have the thickest skin (1.4mm) in your body. Your skin can become thicker when exposed to constant friction or pressure.

Your skin renews itself every twenty eight (28) days
Your skin cells shed constantly at an incredible 30,000 to 40,000 cells every minute. It is estimated that more than half of the dust in your home, and a billion tons of dust is actually comprised of dead skin.
Dead cells are contained in the thin outer layer of our skin- The Epidermis. Skin cells generate at the bottom of the epidermis, and slough off every 28days. This may sometimes be the reason products don’t show results immediately on your skin. It could naturally take about two months to see the benefit of your skin care product.

Your skin doesn’t start aging in your forties
Your collagen levels start to deplete when you’re in your twenties. This might lead to sagging skin or fine line. Vitamin C, Omega-3 oils and other antioxidants can help you maintain a bright, young and healthy looking skin. Putting cold cucumbers on puffy eyes have medically proven to soothe and reduce swelling.
Your genetics are not always responsible for how your skin ages. In fact, exposure to sun is responsible for almost 90% of premature aging. Pollution and the things we eat or don’t eat, also factor into how our skin ages. It is necessary to wear broad-spectrum SPF 15 or higher, to start caring for your skin generally, from your teen or early 20’s.

Your skin reflects your health
Your skin can sometimes signal you if there are changes in your health. Your skin can regulate temperature through its blood supply. Your skin allows for heat loss when your blood vessels dilate and it retains heat when your blood vessels constrict. The skin releases as much as three gallons of sweat a day in hot weather. The skin is our first line of defense against irritants and allergens and it functions as an immune organ.
Your skin feels your emotions and can respond negatively to stress. A steady stress relief routine (Yoga and Massages or even a cup of coffee) can go a long way in preserving your skin health. Eat healthy diet, exercise regularly, moisturize inside-out (use moisturizers and drink plenty of water), always read the ingredients on all skincare products; and avoid products that contain harmful chemicals. Remember, you’re never fully glowing without a smile.

Tip: Your Skin will be easier to maintain with one product brand from Head to Toe… and you’re in luck. ORÍKÍ group has a wide range of 100% natural products for every skin type and for every part of your skin, including your hair.