2022 has officially  begun! It’s that time to make plans, strategise and set things in order for a year filled with unlimited possibilities.

Photo by  Negative Space on Pexel.

Setting New Year goals do not always have to be tedious… as long as you set them based on your own standards. These goals may require you to:

  • Introduce or continue good practices.
  • Change an undesired trait or behavior.
  • Accomplish a personal goal.
  • Or otherwise, improve your life

Here are 5 steps to make goal-setting much easier this year.

  1. Set realistic and attainable goals:

Avoid setting ambiguous goals. Break down your plans into phases, assign timelines to them and take them one at a time.

  1. Create goals for different areas of your life:

For instance, financial goals do not account for health goals or spiritual goals. Set various resolutions for different areas of your life such as, relationship goals, work goals, spiritual goals, financial goals, health and wellness goals.

It makes creating a balance and keeping track of your progress much easier.

Photo by Breakingpic on Pexel.


  1. Write down goals and review them periodically:

Unwritten goals can easily be forgotten, so write down your goals and place them in places you can easily see them and say them to yourself regularly, such as your bathroom mirror. You can take a photo of them and display them on your computer/phone screen saver.

  1. Set measurable goals:

For instance, saying “I will drink plenty of water every day” is different from saying “I will drink 3 cups of water every morning, noon and night”.

The latter ensures there's consistency and clarity in your goal.  You need to see consistently that you are on the right track. You can do this by setting goals that can be measured over a short period of time.

  1. Reward yourself for achieving your goals:

Make sure your reward doesn’t make it difficult for you to accomplish any of your other goals. So, if you are trying to cut back on debt, don’t reward yourself for losing weight with a trip to Atlanta.


Instead, you can treat yourself to a girls’ spa date after you accomplish that fitness challenge or to refresh yourself after smashing a work target.

Book an appointment at the ​​ORÍKÌ website and enjoy the best spa treatments from massages to facials and wellness therapies.